Saturday, January 14, 2012


sitRep 02:15:23 AM gmt 01/15/12


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right now I am not connected to the net. the adsl connection was cut off just before 02:15:23 AM gmt 01/15/12.

it was the free browsing period for the isp when I logged in around 0730 am IST. I was having a cool time . I had seen the english news paper and thought I would try down loading some podcasts while I go through the malayalam news and the bbc podcasts were coming down very well. 

obviously there is no problem with the connection - but that is as long as the indian paagalKutha does not intervene.

just before 02:15:23 AM gmt ( that is the system inserted time after i started my word processor ) the down loading stopped and as was expected the adsl had gone off. as usual my dialer was not aware of what was going on. then the adsl led started blinking again and I switched off the power supply of the modem and the dialer kicked in.

what is happening now is that the indian peppattees or indian pagalKuthas ( peppattees is the malayalam equivalent of rabid dogs and pagal kutha the hindi equivalent ) who are taking over the puter do not have enough peppattees to man the connection twenty four hours over here in this place and as such they are opting for the LAN to wake them up once I connect to the LAN. that is why initially things are cool and once the indian peppatti ( peppatti ( malayalam ) = rabid dog (english) )comes on supervision duty this illiterate imbecile start dictating terms to as to what I can do on the internet !

this is just guess work from some one who hardly has got any training in information technology; but mark you I am some one who has been facing the official version of the worst criminals in this field for quite some time now and I have a perfect understanding of the ways of functioning of these indian peppattees.
see yaa . . . . . .
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this is the first casualty at theCloister; there is more to come for 
from now on i am going to