Sunday, October 30, 2011

20111030 "maintaining"

Cheriyath Jyothi B.SC., M.B.,B.S.,
theCloister, nr rockPark,
Venkode P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695028.                                                                           October 22, 2011

  1. this is in view of the amount of Rs. 1305.81 shown as previous balance in column A of the account summary in your above bill, no. 130628024 dt. 06.10.2011 delivered to me by post on 22.10.2011.
  1. There are no out-standings and no previous balance – please see that bill no. 130628024 dt. 06.10.2011 is the first bill of account no.9027696381.
  1. Please rectify the error.
                                                                                                              Yours faithfully
the accounts officer, (enquiry and complaints)
ground floor, central telephone exchange,
govt press road, thiruvananthapuram – 695001                                                sd.
( C. Jyothi )

note added in writing * please rectify the error in my address as given in the bill.
The correct address is as given above.

20111030 : i am uploading this from my wireless connection with reliance - thank goodness. i have switched on the adsl modem and the adsl led is playing hide and seek. now a days i can remain connected even when the adsl link is not working - only thing is there wont be any data transfer one way or the other. that way the usage data on the so called "SELFCARE PORTAL" will remain clean it looks. how intelligent !

Sunday, October 23, 2011


           I was keen on getting a telephone installed at my present residence at the earliest possible – what with the remote location and the possiblity of gettign access to the internet again. But for this I had to have a residence certificate. 
             And as soon as I got a residence certificate from the local self government body for my present residence @ rock park by the 15th of july 2011 i was trying to find out as to what happened to my application for shifting the landline telephone from the bsnl from aluva to trivandrum - nedumangad to be precise.
            But when I contacted them on the matter, I was repeatedly told by the nedumangad bsnl that they have no information about the transfer,  this, in spite of the fact that bsnl aluva had told me on the phone that they have processed the shift application long back. 
            some how or other nedumangad bsnl were very eager to give me a fresh connection ( orders from the gestapi ? ) but i was not interested. I had a reason there. on my phone I have been using till date, I already had every facility  at least on paper and that includes international calls over and above calls all over india. If I go for a new connection I will have to go through the whole rote again and matters like whether I can have an international call facility on my new phone will depend on the whims of the junior most “charan” ( spy ) of this country.
           Next time I talked to aluva on the matter they gave me the details of the letter they had written to nedumangad bsnl on this matter. I went in person to the nedumangad bsnl office located in the telephone exchange building again on 25 july 2011 and made enquiries - the staff still kept harping on the same vein and they denied any knowledge of the letter referred to by the aluva bsnl.
              So I decided to make a trip to aluva for the staff there had agreed to give me a copy of the letter if I went in person. But before that I thought I might as well look up the local post office that covers bsnl nedumangad - I had got the number of the concerned registered letter from aluva.
              Kind courtesy the post master at pazhakkutti, nedumangad, I came to know that the letter had already been delivered to the nedumangad bsnl on 04 july 2011. that means the nedumangad bsnl had been lying to me all these days - later events confirmed this fact.
              Rather than go back to nedumangad bsnl armed with this information from the post office I wen, on the same day, 20110725, to the office of the pgm thiruvananthapuram telecom under which nedumangad basnl also comes and as the public relations officer, whom I wanted to meet was away I went to the public grievances cell. They made a call to nedumangad and it looks they accepted that they have the letter with them. And I got a telephone installed at my residence in a couple of days or so. 
        The very interesting fact was that the nedumangad bsnl people were continuing as if nothing had happened and they did not have even a semblance of shame - habitual types ?

             The nedumangad bsnl obviously had done the dirty on me in the above matter; but I thought I will not pursue the issue further and sour the relationship from the very beginning. Nedumangad is a completely new place for me; I wanted to make a new beginning if possible. And now that they have been exposed completely I thought there will be a change for the better.
                But it was all just wishful thinking on my part. People are bent on creating mischief. There is such incessant meddling with the communication system obviously from within the set up, there is no point continuing; but that way I do not have much of a choice over here and am putting up with all the gimmicks as best as I can.

          The latest stunt is the address on my telephone bill. The correct address given by me has been mutilated and made highly confusing – it is only kind courtesy the sorting staff of the post office that the bill reached me ultimately after being redirected from other post-offices.

             I do not know what they achieve by this gimmick other than the vicarious pleasure; for now a days one can get a print out of the bill from n number of outfits of the bsnl in thiruvananthapuram. May be with the manipulated address that does not mean any thing I may not be able to use it as proof of my current address say for example if I want to change my address in my bank account or so. That is not a big deal. Probably the “gentlemen” ( manyanmar ) want to prove a point – I am an ignoramus who does not know his own address; so the intelligentsia is correcting me, in their own “intelligent” way.

          With the dynamic happenings while connected to the net and the tampering with the calls it is not possible to fix responsibility with one hundred percent certainty. You can always say it is some thing else and get away with it except when some one blows the whistle.  that is not the case as far as the incidents mentioned in this blog are concerned.
          it is crystal clear that there is a pervert ( that is putting it very mildly) operating from within the bsnl, at nedumangad.
I consider myself privileged to get this kind of attention.
* * *

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Cheriyath Jyothi B.SC., M.B.,B.S.,
theCloister, nr rockPark,
Venkode P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695028.                                                          october 22, 2011



BILL No.130628024 dt. 06.10.2011 Account no.9027696381
PHONE No.472-2802028 : CUSTOMER ID:4013847942
* * *

  1. this is in view of the amount of Rs. 1305.81 shown as previous balance in column A of the account summary in your above bill, no. 130628024 dt. 06.10.2011 delivered to me by post on 22.10.2011.

  1. There are no out-standings and no previous balance – please see that bill no. 130628024 dt. 06.10.2011 is the first bill of account no.9027696381.

  1. Please rectify the error.
                                                                         Yours faithfully


( C. Jyothi ) 


the accounts officer,
(enquiry and complaints)        no.  EL077092269IN dt.22.10.11 RMS Tvm
ground floor, central telephone exchange,
govt press road, thiruvananthapuram – 695001                             

note added in writing
* please rectify the error in my address as given in the bill.
                                            The correct address is as given above.

*  *  *

Friday, October 21, 2011



I got a copy of the fiirst bill from the telephone company – I got one print out from the cto tvm. The copy that was to be sent to me by post never reached me. Reason – obvious from the address given on the bill.

This must be the address provided by the "intelligentsia" of the nedumangad bsnl – remember initially they claimed that the letter for shift has never reached them that was till I brought the cat out of the bag.

i am mentally ill. so the indian gestapo is looking after my affairs. i obviously do no know how to write the address and so the spy and his sub agents correct whatever i have written and add their own masala.

* * *

PS. the bill was delivered to me by post on 22.10.11. it went to karakulam first and from there they re-directed it to venkode.  
this is exactly what the charan urf.the spy is, supposed to be getting paid by the government.
*  *  *

Sunday, October 16, 2011


TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN                                                                                      october 11, 2011


CUSTOMER ID:4013847942 PHONE No.472-2802028
* * *

  A.       enclosed herewith please find photocopies of the usage details of the adsl connection of the above account, ID:4013847942, taken from your selfcare portal on august 09, 2011 and august 29, 2011 respectively.

below is another picture of the first page of data for comparison

        The data upto and inclusive of 20110808 as seen on the page on 20110809 was NO more available on 20110829 on your site. All that was found was just one page of usage data - obviously the data has been tampered with and this can only be done by some one who has got administrative rights over the portal.
        however the conclusion made by the sde and de of the nib at thiruvananthapuram when I met them in their office was that the problem was with me -  Could be that I was erratic one way or the other.
     The latest stunt is that NO usage data whatsoever for my account for the month of august is available on the net - neither billed or unbilled, nor even an invoice. 
        The only pertinent thing is that in the bill for september over and above the fixed charges for the month there is an additional amount of more than thousand rupees; and I have no clue as to why this money is being taken from me.


     B. in my services on you web page under landline there is an item "LL  NON CLI PHONE": I wonder what this indicates. Does it mean the caller id facility? 
        AM I GETTING an unlisted phone like the gestapi does?

does this have anything to do with the communication i had made seen in the previous episode of this blog ?

i have no idea what CLI stands for but watch the movie down below and you you can make a guess as to what it is:

       by the way when i complained about the caller id disappearing it was not rectified immediately. the whole system broke down during that week end and many phones including mine went dead - the story was that a card in the exchange got corrupted.

      you are seeing an almost identical situation in the case of the august 2011 data on the self care portal of the bsnl as well. the pictures of the tampering came into the public domain and the whole data for that month disappeared- that includes the data of my usage as well as that of others - at least that is the story that is going round in both cases.

      how does these things happen ?   the answer is "GOK" - no, it is not God Only Knows; G here this largest "democracy" in the world stands for Gestapi.

“ocking” the bull
       C.      the so called “broadband” connection of nedumangad bsnl as it is available to me is NOT any better than the dial up network connections i used to have with the VSNL of the late ninetees.
       the repeated disruptions of the internet connection are obvious from the very first usage records ( the ones that has since disappeared – could that be the reason that it disappeared ? ).
        Initially it was the adsl LED that used to get switched off and the connection will be cut of time and again. I had made complaints about this aspect to the concerned authorities. 

      the present situation is that even when the adsl LED of the modem is off the dialer does not kick in and continues as if the connection is still there! Of course no transmission of data one way or other takes place during this stage - The net connection goes into “hybernation”.    
          Then the led starts blinking and gets lit up and I can continue with at the snail pace again. May be in this type of disruption  the disconnection will not get recorded on the selfcare portal!
For the last couple of days I have been trying the PpoE where one is permanently connected- I was using the bridge mode earlier. For one thing even when the dialer shows that I am connected in effect I can be cut off; and for the other where is the point bothering to type in a password and user name when the whole system is being ransacked! Howoever PpoE is no different and the bullock cart continues at its own lazy pace.
A bull that has been castrated and deprived of its virility is called a bullock. The question is who is “ocking” the bull!  but you cannot ask that question when it is being done by the spies for “security” reasons!
( C. Jyothi )