Friday, November 25, 2011


11/25/11  08:33:42 PM GMT
20111201:what you see below is a revamped blog.
the one i had uploaded earlier was done in a hurry and badly needed to be modified.

related link

secret police

11/25/11 08:33:42 PM GMT
           0100 hrs IST: I am trying the internet connection after a rather long gap. After a third break in service on various pretexts, the local BSNL has connected me again today 20111125 around 1300hrs.
         As I am typing this in, I have the ADSL modem switched on. I have connected it to the telephone cable – the line was getting noisy on connecting through the splitter and so I have the whole telephone line connected to the modem. The LAN is not connected. And I can see the ADSL light getting switched on and going off. Ultimately the member of the indian pimp service ( or his subcontractor for that matter ) has become tired of the gimmick and has left it on.

          Now as soon as I plug in the LAN cable on to the puter (my poor net book), the ADSL light will get switched off and then start blinking again. And from my part immediately the ADSL light gets switched off I will pull out the LAN card. This struggle will go on for some time. I do not know whether my doing so makes any sense at all; but there is no harm denying some thing the pimp wants –why not connect the adsl cable first and then the LAN ?

              Ultimately the pimp gives in and I use my dialer to log in. I visited the hindu and after going through the head lines turned to manorama. And within no time I saw the ADSL LED goes off.  And I had cut off the lan and the computer came to know that the connection has been disrupted.
* * *
         Right now it is 2056 GMT and the power supply ( the mains of my shack ) has been cut off. I have my emergency lamp close by and have switched it on and am continuing after shifting from the monitor to the net book screen.      Usually the power supply will be restored after a few minutes for the pimp has to switch off the line supplying the whole area and not my house alone and you cannot annoy the locals. And if you think the power cut is due to the slight drizzle going on outsied you are sadly mistaken.
*  *  *
          It is 09:22:53 PM gmt now and the power supply has not been restored. I have got the ADSL modem on with whatever power there is on my ups and am going to try logging on to the net and publish this – now as a law abiding citizen of india you pray to whichever god you have in your pocket and wish me Bad Luck - it is your solemn duty to support the spy.
Well the LED has gone off !
*  *  *
09:26:33 PM The ADSL LED came on and I connected the LAN and adsl got switched off
09:26:48 PM LED ADSL on
09:27:05 PM I connect the LAN
09:27:20 PM LED ADSL off I remove the LAN cable 
09:27:51 PM LED ADSL on
09:28:18 PM ADSL off
09:28:36 PM ADSL on
09:29:25 PM I connect the LAN and the ADSL gets switched off. 
09:29:59 PM Adsl on
09:30:25 PM ADSL off
09:30:35 PM ADSL on
09:30:53 PM ADSL off I think I will wait till ADSL LED stabilises
the time is as it is being inserted by the system
* * *
09:34:03 PM the ADSL has been on continuously for more than well over a minute now and I am going to put the LAN cable into the slot on my net book now
09:35:32 PM LAN LED on and I am going to dial the connection now
09:36:23 PM connected trying to browse
09:37:12 PM ADSL light gone and I cut off the connection and pull out the LAN 
09:37:48 PM ADSL LED on again
09:39:15 PM connecting LAN to the puter
09:39:46 PM LAN LED on
09:40:31 PM dialing
09:40:53 PM connected
09:41:48 PM browsing ADSL still on
09:42:49 PM ADSL light off I pull out LAN card and the dialer kicks in asking to redial I refuse and cancel
09:43:27 PM ADSL light on again.

    After the repeated breaks in the connection coming out graphically and being published on the web the indian pimp service wants to do it on the sly and avoid being exposed – it could also be possible that the telecom had objected to this obvious interference. 

          the system of the indian pimp service is interposed between my system and the server of the isp via the LAN and the pimp would love to do this before I dial the isp and log in. the adsl connection will then go through the pimp's system when I dial the isp.
         If I have the adsl already connected before I connect to the lan and log in the ADSL connection will have to be manipulated to enable meddling with my net connection and it is during this meddling that the ADSL light disappears from my modem.
         The transient interruptions in the adsl led after being connected to the net and the connection to me for all purposes appears to be intact is when the pimp is trying to manipulate the web sites I am visiting – most of the time this happens immediately after I type in the user name and password to one of the sites I frequent.

        I have absolutely no training in info tech and you dont have to accept my view of things – make your own conclusions. It could be that I am completely wrong on my presumptions but I can vouch for the fact that the internet connection is being tampered with - that is a fact.

         My internet connection for all practical purposes can be squeezed or freezed at will by the indian pimps. The speed of data transfer will be decided by the indian pimp ( or this sub contractors for that matter ) and the speed claimed by the isp 2MB or even 2GB will not make any difference to the way I access the net. There is nothing I or anyone else can do about it – because I am living in a police state with no rule of law and the secret police rules supreme.

When you are sure you are going to be raped, 
why not lie down and enjoy it .
Well “gentlemen” then it is no more a rape; but a consensual act of sex. 
My principle is to fight them to the last breath and 
rest assured I will do it.
*  *  *

11/26/11 04:24:14 AM Gmt
I am picking up the pieces of what i have typed in last night under the lights of my emergency lamp – the system time and date is as above. The mains power supply is on at the moment.
The ADSL LED which was lit up continuiously went off and had come up again.
I am trying to get on to the net to publish this.

04:26:16 AM Adsl LED getting lit up once more
04:29:34 AM it is on now
04:30:44 AM I am inserting the LAN cable into the netbook
04:31:05 AM LAN lights up
ADSL LED still on
04:31:57 AM I am dialing the connection
04:32:25 AM connected adsl led still on
04:33:02 AM opening firefox
04:33:30 AM adsl light goes off
04:33:52 AM adsl blinking but goes off again
04:34:16 AM dialer is unaware of the fact that the adsl is off
04:34:58 AM this time the dialer kicks in. I refuse to reconnect and pull out the lan cable.
04:36:38 AM dialer blinking again and adsl stabilises
04:37:10 AM I push in the lan cable lan lights up
04:38:15 AM I am dialing connected
04:38:52 AM browser and am going to access sites on the web
04:39:59 AM signing in to google mail – power supply goes off - the modem is on mains power and the line obvioulsy gets cut off
04:42:30 AM switching on to reliance wireless
04:43:33 AM connected to net via reliance modem
04:44:33 AM signing in to google mail – mains power comes and goes ( some one is at it )

PS. i got in through the reliance modem and got it published
thank goodness and have logged in a second time from reliance wireless to check up and make some corrections.

the blogger it looks is in basic html mode and there is nothing i can do about the formatting and all and i cant afford the luxury of long hours on the wireless net even to spite the gestapi - that is the indian secert police.
see ya..  .  .
related link

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Cheriyath Jyothi B.Sc., M.B.,B.S.,
nr rockPark, Venkode P.O.,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695028, IN.

( Account No. 9027696381 Customer ID:4013847942 tele No.472-2802028 BSNL )             
                                                                                                  November 25, 2011.

this is


A.         1) My home telephone No.472-2802028 of BSNL is dead since the morning of november 24, 2011.  
2) A complaint with docket no.15420093692 was lodged with 472-2802198 on the same day. 
3) the previous such disruption was on november 17, 2011 - docket no.15389966022 and the phone started working again on november 21, 2011.
4) the disruption on november 17 had effected only a restricted number of telephones, mine and two neighbouring ones - that is as far as my information goes.
5) In the present one I am told that the whole area of mullasseri has been wiped out of the telephone map of bsnl landline.
( well i am afraid that was a mis-information by one of the intelligentsia of the locality - mullasseri is not under nedumangad exchange.)

B. incidenatlly, my home phone was cut off on the pretext of “non-payment” of bill on 20111031 ( the authorities were kind enough to restore the services on 20111115 that was even before I paid the controversial billI AM grateful.) And that means till date, my telephone had functioned for a total of less than 100 hrs. during the month of november.  

C. as I mentioned initially, this is not a complaint; just a situation report, in case BSNL's commercial branch finds it interesting in view of the innumerable number of rival telecom companies in the field in the country and the very unlikely situation of the senior BSNL officers being un-aware of what is going on within thirteen kms from the center of thiruvananthapuram city, the state capital.

whomsoever it may concern

( C. Jyothi )
PS. this time the line was reconnected the next day.
and for once there was a fault in the cable - usually the line party comes all over to my place and tells me there is no problem with the line and we have a nice laugh when i tell them i am aware of it.

this time for once they had invented one and had repaired it the first time and 
the second fault also was at the same place i am told.
whichever way it is i had no telephone for most of the month 
but i am sure i will promptly be given a bill for teh whole month
and i will get disconnected if i raise objection.


Thursday, November 17, 2011


Cheriyath Jyothi B.Sc., M.B.,B.S.,
theCloister, nr rockPark,
Venkode P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695028.

( Account No. 9027696381 Customer ID:4013847942 tele No.472-2802028 ) November 14, 2011.

under regulation 11, telecom consumers protection and redressal of grievances regulations
A. The staff at nedumangad bsnl had been lying to me about my shift application and sticking on to their false statement till they were found out and exposed.
I had made an application for shifting my home telephone no.484 2682505 under the ernakualm telecom to nedumangad before I shifted my residence to the address given above.
Ever since I got a residence certificate from the karakulam panchayath on 15 july 2011 I have been making enquiries about my shift application at the nedumangad bsnl almost daily; and all through the nedumangad bsnl had been telling me that they have received no communication on the matter.
I got the same negative response from Bsnl nedumangad on 25 july 2011 as well. That same day, 25.07.2011, based on information received from bsnl aluva I made enquiries at the post office that serves nedumangad bsnl. The post master of pazhakutty was kind enough to tell me that the above letter from aluva had been delivered to bsnl ndeumangad on the 04th of july 2011.
I went to the office of the pgm thiruvansnathapuram telecom with this information and on their telephoning the bsnl nedumangad the letter immediately resurfaced and a telephone was installed at my residence without further ado.
That means, for reasons best known to them, officers at bsnl nedumangad were lying to me all those days since july 04, 2011 i.e. till the cat was out of the bag!
I did not pursue the matter further for I thought rather than souring the relationships from the very beginning we will make a fresh start. But that was not what your staff wanted as evidenced by the goings on later on.

B. the usage data of the adsl of 472-2802028 on your selfcare portal was being tampered with.
My adsl connection was being disrupted repeatedly and I had made a photograph of my usage details from your selfcare portal and put it on the net making the goings on obvious to the wide world.
Within no time I found that the data regarding the adsl usage for the period till august 09, 2011 disappeared from the self care site.
Later still I found that no usage data whatsoever was available on the net for the month of august for my telephone.
I usually do not make more calls than the free ones unlike as shown in the bill for august . But as at present there is no way I can clarify – no usage data for august was available on the self care site. The most recent development, that is the last time I visited your portal, is that the site for checking the usage is under “maintainance” !
I, in fact, literally stopped accessing the net from the adsl for a fortnight or so ( 10 to 26 if I remember correctly ) in august for I found it even worse than a dial up connection of the late ninetees! Added to it were the multiple repeated disruptions making it almost impossible to be of any practical use.

C. my caller id facility was being suppressed :
later I found that the caller id facility of the phone part, the number of the incoming calls, was being suppressed, most likely with the intention of facilitating the criminal elements who would want to make calls to my phone without the risk of them getting identified.
The immediate response to the complaint about the caller id facility was that the whole line was cut off for a couple of days. The story going on was that a card in the exchange got corrupted – there is an analogy here with what happened on your self care portal ( usage data disappearing) described earlier.
Incidentally the services available on my connection as per the self care portal mentions
I wonder what that is! Has it got anything to do with the caller id facility ?

D. my address on the bill was mutilated.
The address as given in the bill for september 2011 was different from what I had given in writing and had completely wrong PIN and place names. The aim probably was → non-delivery of bill → non-payment of bill → an opportunity to cut off the line for “non-payment of bill”
I was aware of this possility and had in deed made enquiries at the sdc cto repeatedly during septemeber and had ensured that there was no unpaid bill for 472-2802028 till they came up with the bill for sepetember some time in the third week of october.

E. I have a land line telephone from the bsnl ever since 1996 and all through have been making payments regularly without even a single instance of non-payment.

I am a paying customer and I see no valid reason whatsoever for the above and other innumerable similar actions of the staff of the telephone company extending over a period of more than a decade now.
My conclusion is that, for all practical purposes, BSNL ( of course not every one of them ), is fighting a proxy war against me on behalf of certain extra constitutional powers in this country who would never dare come out into the open and face me – a pity, a thousand pities, in deed!
( c. jyothi )

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

corr_20111108 nodalOffrBSNLtvm

Cheriyath Jyothi B.Sc., M.B.,B.S.,
nr rockPark, Venkode P.O.,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695028, IN.
( Account No. 9027696381 Customer ID:4013847942
tele No.472-2802028 )                                             November 08 , 2011.


I. This is in the context of the recorded message I am getting from my home phone, no.472-2802028, that the line has been taken out of service due to non-payment of bill.

II. That is NOT right.
a. I got a telephone No.472-2802028 ( Account No. 9027696381: Customer ID:4013847942 ) installed at my present residence on august 03, 2011 on all india shift from kizhakkambalam (484-2682505) under ernakulam telecom.

b. there were no bills for august 2011 in existence till end october 2011.
copy of a photograph of the web page of your selfcare portal taken on 11.10.2011 ( the time shown is gmt) denying the existence of a bill for my account for the month of august even in october 2011 is produced herewith.

c. The first bill I received for the above telephone installed on 03 august 2011 was bill number & date 130628024-06/10/2011 for the month of september 2011 delivered to me by post on 21.10.2011.

i) In this first bill, over and above the total charges of Rs.553.70, an amount of rs.1,305/- has been shown as due in previous balance column A making the total amount payable rs.1860/- ( the previous balance was to be ignored if already paid.)

ii) I made enquiries about this so called previous balance in the accounts section of the sdc at cto trivandrum and was told that they could not trace the origins of the above amount anywhere on their system and that there are no previous bills for my above telephone in their records – that was as in the third week of October 2011.

iii) I later on telephoned the TR dept of the thiruvananthapuram telecom; they also expressed ignorance about the previous balance of Rs.1305. In fact the person on the phone suggested that I pay only the original charges and wait for clarifications on the so called “balance” amount.

iv) I paid the charges for the month of september Rs.554/- by cheque on 24.10.2011 and also wrote to the accounts officer enquiry and complaints at your press road office about the error in the bill vide my letter dt. October 22, 2011.

d. On 31/10/2011, I came to know of the fact that my telephone has been taken out of service for “non-payament of bill” - I do not know since when.

e. Later in the day on 31/10/2011, I got a copy of a document marked as “Bill Number & date O-120544380,06092011” from the accounts officer TR, office of the pgm thiruvananthapuram telecom.

i) A comparison with a normal bill ( e.g. number & date 130628024 - 06/10/2011 mentioned above) will put the genuineness of this so called “bill” definitely in doubt.

ii) I have first hand information from your own officers that such a bill ( it appears to be a computerised one) did not exist any where on your system till the latter half of october 2011.

iii) photograph of the web page of your selfcare portal mentioned in para II. b. above clinches the issue.

g. the amount of this so called bill O-120544380,06092011 which came into existence some time in end of october appearing as previous balance in the september bill dated 06.10.2011 is ridiculous.

h. now the least one would expect is that I will be allowed reasonable time, to pay the bill, jhootta hi sahi ( genuine or otherwise ), after dispatching it to me. However, you were in a desperate hurry to cut off my telephone line!

III. Under the above circumstances, your “taking my telephone out of service for non-payment of bill” on 31.10.2011 is completely unwarranted and highly irregular.

IV. I would expect you to make amends and

                  A. restore the telephone services to me forthwith
as well as

             B. allow me reasonable time to pay the out-standings after the “bill” Number & date O-120544380,06092011, came into existence.
Yours faithfully

by speed post ack due no. EL069269401IN of 8.11.11. gpo tvm

the nodal officer and AGM(OP)                                                                        sd.
thiruvananthapuram telecom – 695001         
( C. Jyothi )
enclosures – copies of
1. photograph of the web page of your selfcare portal,
2. FIRST BILL - number & date 130628024-06/10/2011,
3. my letter dt. October 22, 2011, and
4. “Bill” Number & date “O-120544380,06092011” and postal cover.