Wednesday, November 9, 2011

corr_20111108 nodalOffrBSNLtvm

Cheriyath Jyothi B.Sc., M.B.,B.S.,
nr rockPark, Venkode P.O.,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695028, IN.
( Account No. 9027696381 Customer ID:4013847942
tele No.472-2802028 )                                             November 08 , 2011.


I. This is in the context of the recorded message I am getting from my home phone, no.472-2802028, that the line has been taken out of service due to non-payment of bill.

II. That is NOT right.
a. I got a telephone No.472-2802028 ( Account No. 9027696381: Customer ID:4013847942 ) installed at my present residence on august 03, 2011 on all india shift from kizhakkambalam (484-2682505) under ernakulam telecom.

b. there were no bills for august 2011 in existence till end october 2011.
copy of a photograph of the web page of your selfcare portal taken on 11.10.2011 ( the time shown is gmt) denying the existence of a bill for my account for the month of august even in october 2011 is produced herewith.

c. The first bill I received for the above telephone installed on 03 august 2011 was bill number & date 130628024-06/10/2011 for the month of september 2011 delivered to me by post on 21.10.2011.

i) In this first bill, over and above the total charges of Rs.553.70, an amount of rs.1,305/- has been shown as due in previous balance column A making the total amount payable rs.1860/- ( the previous balance was to be ignored if already paid.)

ii) I made enquiries about this so called previous balance in the accounts section of the sdc at cto trivandrum and was told that they could not trace the origins of the above amount anywhere on their system and that there are no previous bills for my above telephone in their records – that was as in the third week of October 2011.

iii) I later on telephoned the TR dept of the thiruvananthapuram telecom; they also expressed ignorance about the previous balance of Rs.1305. In fact the person on the phone suggested that I pay only the original charges and wait for clarifications on the so called “balance” amount.

iv) I paid the charges for the month of september Rs.554/- by cheque on 24.10.2011 and also wrote to the accounts officer enquiry and complaints at your press road office about the error in the bill vide my letter dt. October 22, 2011.

d. On 31/10/2011, I came to know of the fact that my telephone has been taken out of service for “non-payament of bill” - I do not know since when.

e. Later in the day on 31/10/2011, I got a copy of a document marked as “Bill Number & date O-120544380,06092011” from the accounts officer TR, office of the pgm thiruvananthapuram telecom.

i) A comparison with a normal bill ( e.g. number & date 130628024 - 06/10/2011 mentioned above) will put the genuineness of this so called “bill” definitely in doubt.

ii) I have first hand information from your own officers that such a bill ( it appears to be a computerised one) did not exist any where on your system till the latter half of october 2011.

iii) photograph of the web page of your selfcare portal mentioned in para II. b. above clinches the issue.

g. the amount of this so called bill O-120544380,06092011 which came into existence some time in end of october appearing as previous balance in the september bill dated 06.10.2011 is ridiculous.

h. now the least one would expect is that I will be allowed reasonable time, to pay the bill, jhootta hi sahi ( genuine or otherwise ), after dispatching it to me. However, you were in a desperate hurry to cut off my telephone line!

III. Under the above circumstances, your “taking my telephone out of service for non-payment of bill” on 31.10.2011 is completely unwarranted and highly irregular.

IV. I would expect you to make amends and

                  A. restore the telephone services to me forthwith
as well as

             B. allow me reasonable time to pay the out-standings after the “bill” Number & date O-120544380,06092011, came into existence.
Yours faithfully

by speed post ack due no. EL069269401IN of 8.11.11. gpo tvm

the nodal officer and AGM(OP)                                                                        sd.
thiruvananthapuram telecom – 695001         
( C. Jyothi )
enclosures – copies of
1. photograph of the web page of your selfcare portal,
2. FIRST BILL - number & date 130628024-06/10/2011,
3. my letter dt. October 22, 2011, and
4. “Bill” Number & date “O-120544380,06092011” and postal cover.