Thursday, September 26, 2013


09/05/13 GMT 12:27:37 PM: -
, I have got my “broad band” internet connection from the Thiruvananthapuram telecom of bsnl yesterday I tried to log on but I could not – the adsl has been delinked. The reason is that I have not even made an effort to access the net for the whole of last month. But that does not mean they can delink the adsl from my phone line for I am paying for it. But out here it is a jungle and any body can do anything and get away with it – your complaining is futile.
I desperately wanted to put on the net a new blog on my sitRep. So I tried my reliance wireless modem which is extremely expensive when one takes into account the data one is able to transfer. First time I tried I was using the default internet explorer on my net book oem. And it went on refusing page after page. So I disconnected the wireless net got a copy of an old version of firefox started again and this time was able to upload the text file.
I have the bsnl “broadband” plan changed to 250 – that way I have to pay the company Rs.250/- only per month and once the 20% deduction to govt pensioners is added it will come to Rs.200/- per month. And it is immaterial the plan I chose; even if I pay Rs.1000/- there is not going to make any difference – the pimp sitting at the proxy server will decide as to what all I can do on the net and when.
The whole of last night there was no power supply and I still manged to hold on till four am with my netbook battery and the emergency lamp. Incidentally the previous night also there was no power .
Today in the evening I rang up the help number of NIB and found out that the account is still active – it has not been deactivated for “paying the bill” as was the case with the telephone services.
I switched on the modem and found that it was getting lit up – the pimp is back in position. After a bit of see saw struggle I logged on and this time the adsl remained steady for some time. In deed I was allowed to download an update file for my version of firefox – it is just 9mb file but even that is a tremendous achievement for the Bsnl bullockBand that I am putting up with.
Later I tried accessing the manorama daily to look up the news and soon I saw that the adsl light is gone – the pimp is at it again! So I switched off the modem. And that was the end of the internet usage for the day and may be for the month and even for ever!